The 2015 World Meeting of Families and Papal Visit

The term “world stage” is often used loosely, but when it comes to the 2015 papal visit to Philadelphia, it’s an apt term to use. Philadelphia was under a major spotlight with extreme security concerns – and Grimm & Grove was tasked with ensuring that such a momentous event would be successful in Philadelphia.

Service Offerings
Community Organizing
Event Management
Strategic Communications
Putting Philadelphia in the world’s spotlight.
The Need
To recruit, train, deploy and manage 10,000 volunteers to welcome visitors from across the world and ensure a successful visit to Philadelphia.
The Insight
An objective, Philly-centric, campaign was essential – one that would cross religious cultures and embrace Philadelphia's pride as a city.
The Solution
By steering a group of civic and business leaders, Grimm & Grove created and executed a volunteer recruiting program that brought in droves of volunteers. We then created an in-depth training program that produced a well-trained corps and a management system that tracked all volunteer roles, along with being able to adjust in real-time as needs, crowds and events shifted.
Beyond Communications
The Result

If a happy Pope isn’t enough of a result, we also delivered a happy city and a happy set of volunteers, in a city that shined on the world stage.

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